Nominee for Folk Music Ontario 2024 Recording Artist of the Year
Dancing at the crossroads of hyperfemininity and garage mechanic, Sarah Segal-Lazar is Folk Femme Fatale. Nominated for Folk Music Ontario’s 2024 Recording Artist of the Year, Sarah is known for her incredible stage presence, on par with her unforgettable voice and songs. Hailed as "igniting the Americana music scene" and “folk and country at its best," Sarah's debut studio album VALLEYS, produced by Canadian folk luminary Matthew Barber, is out now.
Sarah’s creativity extends beyond her own music. She translated 10 Ukrainian pop songs written about the war into English and organized a concert of them as a powerful fundraiser for the Ukrainian Emergency Arts Fund. In the last year, Sarah has opened for Murray Lightburn of The Dears. She's spent 2024 on the road with four tours across Canada. Her music has also made its mark on screen and onstage, with her song "If This City Were a Man" placed in the world premiere of Thy Woman's Weeds by Governor General Award-winning playwright Erin Shields.
Sarah’s music is catching fire across the airwaves too. She’s been heard on CBC nationwide and on international radio. VALLEYS even made waves in the U.S., climbing to #3 on KOWS. Called "one to watch" and "folk goddess," her distinct sound captivates audiences everywhere.
Full Band Live
Solo Live
“Sarah Segal-Lazar is one to watch. And damn, can she sing!” - CultMTL
“Sarah Segal-Lazar ignites the country music and Americana music scene.” - Roadie Music Mag
”Folk and country at its best.” - York Calling